Gatekeeper K9 Rescue is a 501(c)(3) non-profit animal rescue dedicated to saving lost and stray dogs, as well as educational outreach aimed at preventing dogs from becoming lost. The rescue operates within the greater Syracuse area of NY state.
The mission of Gatekeeper K9 Rescue is to prevent dogs from becoming lost by educating dog owners and caretakers and to bring dogs who are lost to safety through careful, dedicated search and rescue.
Gatekeeper K9 Rescue envisions a world in which dogs who have found their homes will never be lost and dogs who become lost will always be found.
Core Values/Guiding Principles
Primacy of Animal Welfare
At the innermost core of Gatekeeper K9 Rescue is the primacy of animal welfare. This organization exists to help dogs and bring about the best possible outcomes for them. It is all for them. At each decision point, we consider, “This is in the best interest of the dog because … “
Gatekeeper K9 Rescue strives to prevent as many dogs as possible from becoming lost through reaching out and educating all people who care for dogs.
Critical to fulfilling our rescue mission is sustained, determined effort. We at Gatekeeper K9 Rescue are deeply dedicated to every dog we attempt to rescue and will do everything we can to bring each one to safety.
Gatekeeper K9 Rescue recognizes that we all achieve more when we work together, and we achieve the most when we set aside ego and self-interest. With respect for and kindness toward each other, we work as a team of individuals who are all committed to the central goal of doing what is in the best interest of each dog.
Continual Learning and Improvement
At Gatekeeper K9 Rescue, there is always room for learning and improvement. We aim to continually increase our effectiveness by thoughtfully considering new perspectives and ideas and implementing new techniques and technologies in all aspects of our work.
Meet Our Trapper
Raised with a sense of giving back, Matt began serving his local community at an early age as a volunteer firefighter. For two decades, he rescued people from burning buildings and other life-or-death emergencies, earning lifetime membership in the fire service after 20 years.
Also a lifelong dog lover, Matt has adopted many rescue dogs, including a golden retriever named Ginger. A beloved member of the family for 13 years, Ginger passed away in 2019. Just six months later, in January of 2020, Matt heard news of a nearby lost dog, a golden retriever named Ginger.
Matt felt compelled to help find Ginger and bring her back home. He researched how to capture a lost, scared dog and began to learn the tracking and trapping techniques used in lost dog rescue. To trap Ginger, Matt purchased a large enclosure called a Missy Trap (named after a golden retriever puppy mill survivor who would not enter smaller traps), as well as additional equipment and supplies. After 22 days of rescue efforts, Matt safely trapped Ginger, removing her from harm’s way and reuniting her with her family.
Ginger’s rescue inspired Matt to take up lost dog trapping, a natural confluence of his drive to help those in need and his love of canines. Matt began to respond to instances of lost dogs around the greater Syracuse area, reuniting dogs with their owners and saving the abandoned and stray dogs no one was looking for. Five months into this work, Ginger, the dog who inspired it all, became lost again. This time it took Matt only six days to trap her. With this second incident, Ginger’s owner realized she wasn’t with the right people and asked Matt’s family to adopt her. They agreed immediately and welcomed Ginger into her forever home.
Matt continued to rescue lost dogs, funding the operation out of his own pocket as best he could. Due to the constant need for lost dog rescue in the area and the considerable cost of meeting this need, Gatekeeper K9 Rescue was formally organized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and launched in 2022.
Matt works around his full-time job to rescue as many lost dogs as he can. He cooperates with local dog control, law enforcement, cruelty officers, and shelters to bring these lost souls safely home.
The original Ginger, who inspired Matt to begin his first rescue of a lost dog, another golden retriever named Ginger.
Ginger, the first lost dog of Matt’s journey as a trapper and his inspiration for starting Gatekeeper K9 Rescue.
Gatekeeper K9 Rescue does not charge for services. If someone claims to work with the rescue and asks for money, they are lying and trying to scam you. Do not send them any money and discontinue communication immediately.